Helmut 4.2.0 is out now!

Kategorie: Updates


09, Apr, 2022

You can update your Helmut version now!
These are the highlight features of our Helmut release 4.2.0:
  • Heavily improved dashboard view
  • Add product version number (snapshot version) into the web
  • New job SwatIO upload action featuring custom date and time
  • Complete the Premiere AAF Render Node with two missing Render options „Render audio clip effects“ and „Include Clip copies without effect“ and add a custom one that removes the video clips before render (experimental)
  • New cron feature for cleanup of the jobs database
    • Cleanup can be made either by defining a max jobs count to keep or by relative date filter and can be setup as a cronjob that runs on a daily basis
For more detailed information follow our Helmut4 changelog.

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